The View from Here
March 2019
The View from Here is the exhibition of work of the work I completed during my PhD. It documented three years of research and exploration into the invisibility of women in Australian graphic design.
Over 40 projects were represented to quantified this invisibility and advocate for the equity and autonomy of women. Each project was measured for the exposure, reach and impact it has had during this time and presented as a large data visualisation in the middle of the gallery space. This appeared as three large transparent tubes full of ping pong balls, which represented the amount of people exposed to each project. Large white circles on the floor then demonstrated the reach of each project through academia, industry and the design community of practice.
The four main projects included in this data visualisation were the Slushie Installation, the website, the Anonymity Exhibition and the the Postcard Project— these are also profiled on this website. Small projects that fed into this data, like academic articles, radio interviews and a podcast were then placed as smaller pink circles at different heights to show the impact of each of these individual projects.
Above: Scroll through this gallery to see the outcomes and the opening night event.
Outcomes from my PhD included a framework for inclusive and platforms and a framework for more inclusive histories. Interactive stations at the exhibition challenged the audience’s own biases and engaged them these proposed solutions that celebrate and raise the visibility of women in all design disciplines and beyond. These were designed in the form of a children’s toy scale and a snakes and ladders game.